Regenerative Technology is…

Technology in Service to Life

Whereas today’s technology is served by nature and humans, regenerative tech serves both people and planet, and enables mutual service between them.

Rooted in Regenerative Principles


Regenerative design is based on the universal patterns and principles of living systems derived from consensus across ecological, biological, and complexity sciences and ancient indigenous wisdom traditions. Thus regenerative tech adopts living systems principles as first principles.


A Re-membering of Tech


Expanding the definition of tech, beyond digital, industrial, even beyond sapiens. Technologies are structuring the flows of materials, energy, and information to adapt and to thrive. Our infrastructure is inextricable from our superstructures and social structures. Regenerative tech exists in relationship.

Tools to Reconnect Us


Humanity emerged in a period of high nature, and low technological facility. We find ourselves now in a period of “high tech” and “low nature,” in that tech further separates us from the living world. Regenerative tech is a vision to re-align our “high tech” with “high nature,” for thriving living systems.

A Bridge for Future Generations


An invitation to reframe technological innovation to empower us to bridge from the current extractive economic paradigm into one with resilient healthy systems that create conditions for all to thrive. Regenerative tech serves multiple generations.

A Maturation of “Digital Transformation”


…Finally! As the “Tech Industry” pervades all sectors, influences all nations, and impacts all beings, it’s time we aspire for more than efficiencies and revenues. Regenerative tech invites organizations to wield technologies towards new models that support the health of the whole.

A Term That’s More Like an Oxymoron?


Aligning machines with living systems!? Can tools engineered via reductionist mechanistic logic help integrate with the holism of ecological intelligence and “warm” data complexity? Regenerative tech emerges at this moment in our epistemological evolutionary development.

Regenerative Tech is NOT

There is no silver bullet for systemic change. Nor is it the latest buzzword, or like Climate Tech, Food Tech, Ag Tech, Web3, or other categorizations. Regenerative tech is an orientation, and an invitation to co-create tools that serve the future we actually want.

Technology in service to life