NatureQuant delivers technology solutions to assess and promote exposure to nature and to combat nature deficit with proactive tech tools designed to improve overall wellbeing. NatureQuant achieves this mission via their two apps, NatureScore and NatureDose. NatureScore® measures the amount of natural elements that optimize your health within a one-km radius of your location. NatureDose® is a personalized nature prescription mobile app that monitors your aggregate time inside, outside, and exposed to nature. Through new tech tools, machine learning, and big-data, NatureQuant provides tools designed to fully leverage nature's impact.
- artificial intelligence
- data
- digital platforms
- nature tech
SunHydrogen is a clean energy company in the development stages of creating a new technology to produce clean hydrogen fuel using sunlight and water. SunHydrogen utilizes nanoparticles to mimic the process of photosynthesis, splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. The process itself is powered by sunlight, making it a truly renewable energy source. Through this process, the company aims to create a highly efficient and cost-effective method for hydrogen production, which could significantly impact the emerging hydrogen economy, supplying clean fuel for vehicles, data centers, and countless other applications.
- biotech
- computational biology & chemistry
- energy storage optimization
Flying Whales launched in 2012 in France to develop and industrialize a 60 tons Large Capacity Airship to provide remote cargo transport. The development of this initiative began to enable the French Forestry Agency to increase large volumes of timber extraction from land-locked areas. This solution offers low operating costs, low to no environmental impact, and targets the large market of special transportation, logistics & freight market in countries with transport infrastructure deficit. This project is supported by the French Government and the Quebec Government.
DepolarizingGPT is a political AI chatbot that gives three answers to every prompt: one from a left-wing perspective, one from a right-wing perspective, and a third answer from a depolarizing or "integrating" perspective. DepolarizingGPT was created by data scientist David Rozado and political philosopher Steve McIntosh. DepolarizingGPT's left-wing responses have been fine-tuned with content from left-leaning publications and writers, while its right-wing responses have been fine-tuned with content from publications and writers. The model's depolarizing responses have been fine-tuned with content from the Institute for Cultural Evolution think tank, from McIntosh's inclusive political philosophy. The model's depolarizing responses are designed to transcend centrism and reach a "higher ground" balance by exposing users to multiple views across the political spectrum.
- civic engagement
- decision-making
- politics
- sensemaking
ISeeChange empowers communities to tackle climate change impacts by integrating public input into infrastructure design and response management. Headquartered on America's Gulf Coast, ISeeChange prioritizes community, connection, integrity, equity, and insight, driving citizen science-based solutions. Residents contribute real-time observations of climate events like flooding and heat waves, which ISeeChange transforms into actionable insights using AI and sensor data. These insights enable cities, engineers, and utilities to prioritize infrastructure investments and design resilient solutions.
- artificial intelligence
- citizen science
- cloud
- data
- digital platforms
- edge computing
- marketplaces
- nature tech
Olio a free app to reduce household and food waste by fostering a hyper-local sharing economy. People can list unwanted but usable items, including surplus food, as well as clothes, books, and furniture. Neighbors can browse listings and arrange free pickup, giving unwanted items a second life and saving it from landfills. This approach combats waste, promotes sustainability, and fosters a sense of community by encouraging people to share and connect with those around them. Because it diverts far more greenhouse gasses across the 49 countries it operates in than it produces, Olio is a carbon-negative company.
- circular economy
- digital platforms
- marketplaces
- reduced food waste
- sharing economy
- social media / community
Giveth is a community focused on Building the Future of Giving using blockchain technology. Our intention is to support and reward the funding of public goods by creating open, transparent and free access to the revolutionary funding opportunities available within the Ethereum ecosystem.
- blockchain
- charity
- crowdfunding
- daos
- digital assets
- digital ledgers
- governance platforms
- philanthropy
- web3
Openbike is a project by Arquimaña, an architecture studio founded by Iñaki Albistur and Raquel Ares in 2011. They combine their passion for design, maker culture and mobile architecture (mobitechture) with the idea that technology can make us freer, more proactive and more creative. The result is their open-source bicycle and it's impact in promoting sustainable urban transportation. Openbike has been finalist in Arquia-Próxima 2018: Relevant Practices and part of the Spanish Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2021 and the Cities exhibition of the Seoul Architecture and Urbanism Biennale SBAU2021 curated by Dominique Perrault.
- bicycle infrastructure
- mobility
- open source
- transportation
KMX’s technology facilitates a separation and recovery of pure water, lithium and other rare earth minerals a from industrial brine and waste-streams at low temperature and pressure. By using its proprietary membrane distillation technology for mineral recovery and water separation, KMX's technology targets water scarcity and contamination and offers a new method of promoting clean water and wastewater treatment. In addition, separation of Lithium, which is a critical element for batteries used in electric vehicles and other clean energy technologies, as well as other rare earth minerals, through brine and waste is a far more sustainable approach than traditional lithium extraction methods which are energy-intensive and have negative community and environmental impacts.
- circular economy
- critical minerals
- industrial waste
- renewables
- water
Loliware is the world’s first seaweed resin company providing products to replace single-use plastics. Loliware is a woman-owned firm partnering with experts in regenerative aquaculture from Maine to New Zealand to expand the ‘blue economy’ with its proprietary SEA Technology® resins. Made from compostable seaweed, Loliware’s Ocean Blue straws, utensils and other products are currently used by famous chefs, restaurant chains and eco-chic hotels. Their new category of materials are “Designed to Disappear”, offered to help advance our planet to a plastic-free, decarbonized future.
Matriark Foods is a social impact business that upcycles farm surplus and fresh-cut remnants into healthy, low sodium vegetable products for schools, hospitals, food banks and other foodservices. Matriark works with farmers and aggregators to make use of the vegetables that would otherwise go to waste, to instead provide nutritious food for people and reduce the environmental harms of food waste. They are using technology to manage their supply chains, inventory, sustainability tracking, and data analysis to underpin auditability of Upcycle Certified products.
- certifications
- circular economy
- food waste
- foodtech
- supply chain traceability
The Buy Nothing Project is a global network of hyper-local gift economies, founded in 2013. It uses a digital platform and mobile app to enable people to give away for free unwanted items and skills within local communities, fostering connections, circulating value, and reducing waste. The network transacts around 2.5 million gifts per month over 230,000 communities, 10 million neighbors with 13,000 volunteers.
- circular economy
- community
- localization
- mutual aid